Get Into Your Clean Routine
You’re about to become a mean, lean cleaning machine.
We know — clean-up is not your favorite hobby, but that doesn’t mean you have to be bad at it. So follow these simple steps, and in no time, you can declare victory over tough messes!
Daily Clean Up

1) Toss measuring cups, utensils, pots and pans into a sink full of soapy water while you’re cooking. It’ll save you – or the designated dishwasher – plenty of grumbling.
2) After you’re done cooking and the stove is done cooling, wipe it down with grease-cutting Formula 409® Multi-Purpose Cleaner. Nobody wants that stuff to cake on, or those germs to hang around.
3) Spray and wipe down the counters, so you don’t stick to them next time.
4) If you had a food overboard moment while cooking, wipe the evidence off the floor.* Done!
Weekly Clean Up
1) Spray and wipe down appliances with Formula 409® Multi-Purpose Cleaner and your trusty sponge or cloth. Make sure to hit fingerprints and greasy smudges on your fridge, oven, dishwasher and toaster.
2) Wipe down your kitchen or dining room table — if you use it. If needed, spray and wipe down your counter or high chair too.
3) Consider washing the floors with diluted Formula 409® to get those sticky dinner left-overs or dog drool.
4) Wash and rinse the dish rack and sink. Phew — you made it!
The Big Clean Up

1) Scrub your cabinets inside and out, removing any food from the pantry, so you can wipe away crumbs and smudges. Convince yourself it’s worth it by thinking about the bugs that will no longer find your cabinets appetizing.
2) Empty the refrigerator, and chuck anything that looks hairy. Wash the interior of the fridge. (Turn up the fridge temperature a bit first, so that you – and your cleaning tools — don’t get too cold.)
3) Clean the stove hood and filter with Formula 409® Multi-Purpose Cleaner. It may be gross, but it’s proof of past deliciousness.
4) Now that you’re done, remember to re-introduce your stove — and your stomach — to some delicious bacon-wrapped chicken or tater tots.
*Unless it was on a hardwood floor.